Notecard Lora Quickstart failing on first hub.sync request

First time using Blues hardware. Received Lora Starter Kit. Successful set up of indoor gateway from kit (I believe). Successful connection of Notecard and Notecarrier. Connected to notecard, retrieved version, set up Notehub account, created project and apparently successful hub.set.

Initiated sync with hub.sync command but no luck. Via hub.sync.status get:
“status”: “waiting to begin first sync {idle}”

for a while and then:

   "status": "waiting to begin first sync {idle} {extended-network-failure}"

Note: The notecard is connected via USB to Chromebook on a eero wifi mesh network with two hops from fiber modem. Could this be the problem? I am assuming this syncing is being attempted through the USB cable and then via wifi as opposed to the notecard syncing via the Lora gateway but perhaps that is a mistaken assumption.

Not sure what to try next.

Thank you,


Update: Changed from Chromebook to Mac and moved Gateway to ethernet. No change, same failure message.

Hi @WhiteNitro and welcome to the Blues community!

  1. Do you see a blue light on your gateway? If so, that’s a good sign, as it should be properly connected to the network.

  2. On the back of your gateway is a QR code. Can you please scan that and copy/paste the string that the QR code contains? This will let us look up your gateway to make sure it’s showing up online.

  3. When you connect your Notecard LoRa to the in-browser terminal, what version of the Notecard firmware is it running? I’d recommend updating to the latest developer version if possible (just in case).

Also to answer your question, even when you are connected to a Notecard/Notecarrier via USB, it’s still sending data using the given wireless protocol (in this case LoRa/LoRaWAN). The USB connection just lets you send the Notecard requests and read responses.


Hello Rob,

  1. Yes - gateway is glowing blue
  2. 9181010S6040120097,AC1F09FFFE10A51F
  3. version": “notecard-wl-”,

FYI The notecard is blinking red every two seconds.

Thank you very much for your help diagnosing this problem. Let me know if you need any other information.

Hi @WhiteNitro,

The good news is your gateway is definitely online - we can see it in The Things Stack tenant! So the problem exists between your Notecard and the gateway.

  1. Check the antennas. Make sure the white antenna is securely fastened to the gateway and the u.FL connector is attached to your Notecard LoRa.
  2. Make sure you’re using the right Notecard + gateway combo. Your gateway is registered in the US tenant, so your Notecard should have “NOTE-LWUS” on the front of it. If not, we somehow shipped you the wrong Notecard.

Let me know how it goes!

Also, can you please send me the device ID from your Notecard? It should show up with a card.version request.

I reattached the antennas and here is a picture showing the LWUS labels

Device Info

  • DeviceUID: dev:0080e11500452e83
  • Device EUI: 0080e11500452e83

Second device

I tried to connect the third one but it apparently shipped without a connecting screw

Hi @WhiteNitro,

Is there any chance you overwrote the AppEUI and/or AppKey on these devices? These are automatically specified by Blues during our internal provisioning process and should not be changed. The errors I’m seeing for these devices in our tenant is this:

Join-request to cluster-local Join Server failed

…which leads me to believe the AppEUI isn’t set properly.

When you connect a device to the in-browser terminal, you should see some information show up like this, so I’d like to verify that the right AppEUI is set:

###### DevEUI:      00:80:E1:15:00:08:84:61
###### AppEUI:      6E:6F:74:65:63:61:72:64
###### DevAddr:     00:08:84:61

Also, sorry about the missing screw! If you can’t find a replacement we can get one shipped to you.


Hello Rob,
I do not see anything like that when I connect the device. I just see:

* Lost connection to device. Attempting to reconnect...
~ Trying to reestablish lost connection...
~ Connected to serial
~ DeviceUID dev:0080e11500452e83 (NOTE-LWUS) running firmware wl-

Can I reset the AppEUI myself?

Hi @WhiteNitro,

Let’s check to see what the AppEUIs are on the devices first. Can you please run this command on each and send the results?


Presuming the AppEUI is ok, we might have to have you do a factory reset on your gateway.



{“status”:“verifying SKU”}


“sku”: “NOTE-LWUS”,

“freqplan”: “US_902_928_FSB_2”,

“device”: “dev:0080e11500452e83”,

“board”: 3,

“board_type”: 6,

“org”: “Blues Wireless”,

“product”: “Notecard”,

“version”: “notecard-wl-7.3.1”,

“ver_major”: 7,

“ver_minor”: 3,

“ver_patch”: 1,

“ver_build”: 16689,

“built”: “Jun 21 2024 17:22:46”,

“deveui”: “0080E11500452E83”,

“appeui”: “6E6F746563617264”,

“lorawan”: “1.0.3”,

“regional”: “RP001_V1_0_3_REV_A”,

“status”: “completed”,

“appkey”: “6E720692A8F20D03A29C20320C30229D”



{“status”:“verifying SKU”}


“sku”: “NOTE-LWUS”,

“freqplan”: “US_902_928_FSB_2”,

“device”: “dev:0080e11500453083”,

“board”: 3,

“board_type”: 6,

“org”: “Blues Wireless”,

“product”: “Notecard”,

“version”: “notecard-wl-7.3.1”,

“ver_major”: 7,

“ver_minor”: 3,

“ver_patch”: 1,

“ver_build”: 16689,

“built”: “Jun 21 2024 17:22:46”,

“deveui”: “0080E11500453083”,

“appeui”: “6E6F746563617264”,

“lorawan”: “1.0.3”,

“regional”: “RP001_V1_0_3_REV_A”,

“status”: “completed”,

“appkey”: “D821EF449F84673017F8819DEE6194C5”


Hi @WhiteNitro,

Since everything looks good on your Notecards, I think the next best step is to perform a factory reset on your gateway to get us back to a known state. I’ll reach out over a DM with the instructions.


Hello Rob,
Your teammate Desiree suspected the problem might have been coming from a bad production run of Notecards so she shipped me three new cards. I tried them this weekend and they worked perfectly. Problem solved! Thanks so much for all your help and for your company’s dedication to not quitting until everyone is happy. Amazing in this day and age.